Sunday, September 27, 2015

Bridging Your Longings With Your Reality

When is it our turn?  When will it happen to me?   Will my dreams ever come true?  How will I ever get to that point, checking that off my list?

These questions bounce around in my head when I scroll through social media, talk to strangers, or  just watch TV.  
I see people jumping into clear lagoons, others getting to wake up in a different city every few days, and others visiting hospitalized children in third world countries. 

Yes, I'll be honest.  All those things listed are my dreams and each have their own category.  

Jumping into clear waters of a lagoon? 
-That's the dream of unrestricted vacations!

Waking up in a different city every few days?  
-That's the dream of being a jet setter!

Visiting children in third world countries?  
-That's the dream of doing charitable work across seas!  

Does that sound far fetched?  I'd say yes most of the time.  But then I remember how great God is and believe He placed those dreams in my heart for a reason!  I do not want to (continue) finding myself scrolling through saying, "Man what if...wouldn't it be cool if...Why can't I?"  
I don't think we will ever stop wanting more, better, and what we can't have...well maybe not at the moment.  

~We all have dreams, goals, ambitions, ideas...
We also have our realities...~

None of us have all our stuff together!  Ever heard the saying, "If its not one thing it's another."?  We all dream about that day.  That is our longings.  We have those things that need to get done or else.  That is our reality.

God is so good.  
I really wanted to find a good fiction book to occupy my mind for the plane ride home, yet nothing caught my eye.  I decided to take one last look around and found Longing For Paris by Sara Hagerty.  Judged a book by its cover and started reading.  I love Europe and that's why I picked it up.  Come to find out it was nothing about Paris, except for it being the author's dream to go there.
Her dream was just that, something she thought needed to be experienced through flight, wearing a beret, and sitting at an outdoor cafe eating a flaky croissant no American bakery can replicate. 
Her reality was she was a wife, mom, and writer.  Deadlines waited for her, young kiddos tugged at her, laundry was never done.
When...would...her dreams....come true???  

Her, yours and my dreams will come true.  It all depends in which manner.  I didn't intend to find a "self-help/personal development" book but I think God wanted me to.  He knows exactly what we need when we needed it.  I'm sure the plans we have for ourselves are wonderful with good intentions.  What more are the plans and destinations God has for us, the one who placed those longings and desires in our hearts!  He loves us so much.

Matthew 6:26 part of the verse behind the tattoo...:    

So while some of us are living our dreams, on our way to accomplishing another dream, or wondering how to start making those dreams a reality...Let's figure out how to bring parts of those dreams INTO our reality.  

Personal example: 
Dream: For my house/ have a brick wall.  
Just one.  It's the interior designer in me.  
Reality: Track home with no vintage brick.  (Grateful nonetheless!!!) 
Bridge between them: I painted my own brick wall for my room. 

I believe as we try to incorporate more of our dreams into our realities, we dig deeper into why we long for certain things, thus learning more about the heart of God, the One who gave us the ability to
 desire and live fully.  

Doing life with you,

Monday, September 21, 2015

Easy Breakfast or Snack, on Toast

This is my new favorite breakfast creation!  Before I tell you what this goodness is made of, let me just say I found an Everyday Rachael Ray magazine with a picture of my toast breakfast on the cover!!  Another reason why I love Rachael Ray....been a fan since she started on 30 Minute Meals and $40-a-Day.  But I digress.

 This recipe is similar to the "My Version of Breakfast Cereal" post on Instagram.  
 Shameless plug: if you don't follow me yet, you should now ha ha ha 

I've been on the high protein kick and thought it fueled my mornings well.  It still does, but I 've also been craving carbs and crunch.  So hi-ho-hi-ho I went to Trader Joes!  I found their Chia Seed, Millet, and Flaxseed Bread and I lovvvvve it!  Seriously it toasts really well and stays crunchy with all the toppings I put!  No stale bread syndrome nor soggy sag in the middle toast here!  
I'm a a roll here...hahahaha.  


What's on the plate:
- Trader Joe's toast
- 1/2 smashed avocado
- sprinkle of garlic and sea salt
- 1 boiled egg, cook a batch for the week to save time
- halved cherry tomatoes
- crumbled Gorgonzola, Feta is another option

Eat one to two slices of these babies and you'll have a fueled morning of good carbs, protein, and fats.  I felt the difference all the way to lunch, I had a steady stream of energy and wasn't craving random things to munch on.  I still can't believe I found a bread good enough to blog about as well as excited to have every.......other morning =).  Variety folks...variety. 

Happy eating!  
More recipes to come,

Saturday, September 12, 2015

My 7 Morning Essential Acts

 I used to dread mornings.  Maybe because it was always rushed and I never did the typical morning rituals.  When I say typical it means going outside with my robe on and picking up the morning paper, basking in the sun, waving to that neighbor backing out of his driveway, while holding that steaming cup of coffee.  I'm half kidding about that one ha ha.  Or maybe the other typical routine of turning on the morning News, while making instant oatmeal and packing my bag for the day. 

Okay, I realize these are very generalized routines or maybe some of your routines!  Good for you!  ::Fist bump::

I love my mornings (now) and appreciate the quietness it brings.  Sometimes its not all that quiet and there's craziness all around. And sometimes its the noise inside my head that needs to be hushed.   
 Here is what  I do to keep my mornings:

Commit the day to the Lord in prayer.  

Open my window and let the sleep out.

Oil Pull

Make my bed.

Drink water (I keep a bottle right next to my bed).

Drink warm lemon water while the coffee is brewing.

Turn on Pandora (Hillsong Young and Free /Jonathan Thulin)

These are my essential acts in the morning to get my day started on the right, or should I say, correct foot! I know we all have our rituals and quirks, its fun to share and learn about other people's.  Tell me some of yours!


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Embrace Your Face

"You have a crooked face!"  It was me who told myself that.  In this #selfie world it's more difficult NOT to see what else is wrong with us.

Yet...this rings true... 

 >>>"You learn to embrace your imperfections."  Yes, that's what I heard women say while growing up.  I have had a great set of women (and men) who have influenced me.  God is so good.  He continues to answer my prayers, bringing the kinds of people I need in my life at the right moment.  Sometimes, He even brings them when I least expect it, and its a greater blessing!

Back to the quote.  I never understood what it meant.  How do you embrace what you have when all you want is what the other person has?  I've always wanted to be taller.  I'm never going to be permanently taller!  Unless I get surgery to lengthen my limbs.  I wanted lighter skin, won't happen!  I love being outdoors too much and skin bleaching looks like it would hurt.  What I'm trying to say is, I'm now learning to embrace what I have and how I have it.  

 Don't confuse me with not striving to be more healthy, strong, and fit.  I think everyone should strive for that.  The byproduct of it is confidence!  You learn you're more capable of what you give yourself credit for!  You experience strength you thought couldn't come out of you.  When you think can't, look a few feet ahead and press on!  I say these things because I've experienced it and want you to know you can have the same, and even greater!   

 For whom ever is reading this, I don't know what you're going through or where you have been.  I talk about outward appearance in this post, but my goal is to touch your heart.  To tell you, you have so much to offer this world.  You are worth more than silver or gold, more precious than diamonds.  There is beauty in perfection, but there's greater beauty in things flawed made into something unique.  You are that, unique.  You have a story no one else can tell and are loved more than you know.  
(By the way, diamonds are flawed too.  Its the artist who cuts and shapes it into something beautiful and unique.)

Feel the love, 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

How Did You Get Your Teeth to Be So White?

Crazy name right?  What the heck is that?  Well that's what I said when I first heard it.  Then found out it was an all natural way to:
 - heal gums
- whiten teeth
- reduce bad breath
- Pull toxins out of the body through the gums
- help your metabolism
-help with tartar control
- increase oral health

 An added bonus was it was with my favorite oil, coconut!  I use to think it would clog pores, smell funny, put greasy finger and leg prints everywhere and just be weird dipping my hand in a jar usually found in the kitchen!  Now, I take sips from it...swishing it around my mouth!  Crazy I know!

I'm a fan of all things natural, it's benefits and uses.  I believe God created the Earth to have everything we ever needed to survive and live fully.  Coconut oil, you are one of my favorites.  
I first saw oil pulling on Pintrest and then saw one of my cousins doing it!  Months later I found myself doing it because I had some pain in my gums and was tired of using a peroxide gel to whiten my teeth.  

The first time, I lasted about 10 minutes, then 10 again, then doubled it to 20 minutes in a few days.  I found ways to take my mind off it like: 
-make my bed
- put laundry in the machine
- make the morning coffee
- prepare breakfast
- check Facebook
- plan for the day
Do not underestimate the power of 20 minutes! 

A few things to know first:
*Must be done first thing in the morning.*
Ever see notice that white film on your tongue and why you have bad breath in the morning?  That's your body detoxifying itself while you sleep at night.  It needs to come out and that's one way for it to be released, another is from your morning pee (ha ha ha).   
You want to get rid of the most toxins, so why not before you begin your day!  I keep the jar in my bathroom so after I use...the restroom...I take a swig and start swooshing!

How to oil pull:
 1. Swish a tablespoon or less in your mouth for 5-20 minutes.  
Do not gargle...or swallow!  Don't want to have any of those toxins to find it's way back into the body.
2. Spit into the trash. Oil will clog drains.
3. Rinse with water 
4. Brush and floss regularly

Jeanine Faith

**Thanks to Hello Natural**


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Nike Is RIght

"JUST DO IT" Thank you Nike for the constant inspiration.  I spent way too much time thinking about the title of this post, and I just said, "Just do it".  That saying is so true.  As humans the decisions we make shape our lives, everything to brushing your teeth in the morning (or not.......ew gross), to signing the lease on a new apartment.  Our lives are made up of decisions!  

I have decided to take on the goal of waking up earlier and sleeping earlier.
What that means to me: in bed by 10:30p.m. and out of bed by 6a.m.  Yes, it's better to get that thing done before you hit the sack, or stay 2 more minutes under the blanket.  We only get 24 hours a day, do the best you can with it.
What will you do with it?  What is important to you to get accomplished?  

For me, it's getting my head (mind), exercise (body), heart (soul/spirit) in check. That means getting up when the sun comes up, listing down my top 3 goals of the day, getting my booty to the gym or pressing play, and making sure to pray/meditate on the verse of the day.  

Small steps everyday.  You will get to where you need to be, in the time you need to be there.  I love this hashtag, #trusttheprocess.  Commit to those small positive changes in your life, and see where it will take you.  You CAN do it.  The dream, passion, yearning was not put in your heart to float around.  It is there so it can touch lives.  You have the ability to great things.  Don't stop moving forward---JUST DO IT.  
I would love to know what some of your goals are! 
Doing life together,


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

My Workout Routine, Un-Routine

     Getting ready to workout is a routine, the working out is a routine, what you do post workout is a routine.  That's why mixing things up, is so important.  This includes what I eat beforehand so I don't  lose steam mid lunge or tricep kickback, during, and after when my muscles have the j-e-ll-o feeling.

  I'm on a low carb, high protein, lots of water and pro-biotic diet.  I talk more in depth about my health and my diet reasons here.  I eat a lot of yogurt, sweet potatoes, rice cakes with peanut butter, chicken, greens, and without fail- some tomato.  I keep the carbs for morning/early afternoon meals so they are burn throughout the day, and only protein and vegetables for the evening. 


Kale and tomato egg white scramble & 1/2 avocado
     Before heading out, I like to make sure I set myself up for a successful "shed"!  I do that by making a cup of coffee or having an apple.  If coffee or fruit is not your preference, ETB has a great pre-workout formula that will give you the power to push through your limits.  Whatever you choose, be ready to sweat!   

Pre-work out food/drink options: 
- pre-work out
- coffee
- green juice (link to recipe)
- kale & blueberry smoothie (link)
- peanut butter on a rice cake & yogurt
- 1 microwaved sweet potato
- an apple
- granola bar

      For the most part, those who decide to make their life revolve around getting fit and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will eventually hit a plateau.  The beginning weeks are full of energy, excitement and regimented.  Then a couple months go by and the excitement dwindles and our bodies get bored with the workouts.  That means it's time to change it up!
     I am a believer in building your "Workout Arsenal".  Having workouts that are static, dynamic, functional, and therapeutic are good to have in your back pocket.  Or should I say, gym bag?  I usually run the workouts in my head beforehand.  If that day is all about using the machines, I make sure to have the next day be more dynamic (without machines) exercises using the kettle bell and resistance bands.
     Having a workout buddy is great, here is mine.  She is more of a static exerciser, and me the functional exerciser.  It's a good balance because we push each other to different limits and at the same time build our "Workout Arsenal".

     In addition to good fuel, I need good music to push me through!  While on the treadmill I like songs that have a build up to the chorus and believe it or not, country.  My playlist is sporadic.  And is constantly changing.   

Here are some songs I listen to:
- "Roller Coaster" Luke Bryan
- "Wake" Hillsong Young & Free
- "New Thang"-Redfoo
- "What You Do To Me" Dan+Shay
- "We Can't Stop" Miley Cyrus
- "Post To Be" Omarion ft. Chris Brown and Jhene Aiko
- "Somebody" Natalie La Rose
- "Return of the Mack" Mark Morrison
- "Set The World On Fire" Britt Nicole
- "Do It Again" Robyn
- "I'm So Excited" Anja Nissen

     For both beginning and ends of my workout I do a yoga/stretching sequence.  It changes according to which body parts were worked that day.  Switch up the routines from standing to floor routines.  You'll be amazed at how much strength it takes to hold plank after a day of chest and arms.  Better yet, Downward Dog!  Challenge yourself.  The change in routine will bring the change in your body...and mind!

     To make sure my work outs don't go to waste I replenish my body with nutrients that repair muscle.  My workouts end around dinner and once I get home I have anything high in protein.

Post workout food/drink options:
- protein shake
- glass of almond milk
- spoon of peanut butter
- chicken breast & vegetables
- yogurt
- string cheese

My other workout buddy! 

     One thing that should NOT be changed is how much water you drink!!!  If you must, the ONLY change should be to drink MORE.  I drink at least a gallon a day.  I started this a week ago and my belly has never been flatter!  You will get tired of using the bathroom, but it is worth it.  Our body needs it.  If you're not fond if the tasteless drink, add flavoring to it...lemon, cucumber, fresh berries, herbs.  Aim for half your weight in ounces and work your way to a gallon or more!  

Small changes with big differences,
-Jeanine Faith

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Don't Let Your Struggle Be Your Identity

 These were the three words that appeared to me in a jumble of other words and letters.  It was a post on Facebook and thought it was witty.  Just a little activity that makes you feel good about yourself.  Yes, all the words that could be found are positive and uplifting, and at the risk of sounding cliche or cheesy, these words were what I needed at the moment.  I'm betting that's the point.  This Post-It has been on my board since that time I scrolled down Facebook.  Thank you, person that posted it.   

 Make a wish!  
  My friends and family know I have been an occasional resident of the hospital.  (Wait does that make sense?  Oxymoron?)  I have a history of Small Bowel Obstructions due to a ruptured appendix when I was 12 years old.  Now I am 27 and have been through three major abdominal surgeries with scars to prove it.  They are my battle wounds, although they caused pain, I am proud of them.  Since I continue to live, my body will continue to produce scar tissue within me which causes my organs to get trapped in their webs.  Specifically speaking, my bowels.  I went through 6 years of thinking I was "out of the woods" then one night last year, pain struck.  I found myself in the Emergency Room, once again.  The words, "You have a bowel obstruction." released the flow of tears.  "God, why?  I cannot be going through this again!  I don't want the procedures!"  Then a hint of peace comes over me, "Jeanine you can do it, it won't last forever.  You've been through it before.  You are not alone." (Deuteronomy 31:8)
     As I type, I feel as if I am back in that ER bed with the doctor standing in front of me.  No, I was not alone.  God gave me someone who waited the long hours with me, family praying, and parents who, in the middle of the night drove 3 hours to be by my side.  If that's not God's goodness, I don't know what is.  
     Then 2 weeks ago, I felt the all too familiar pain...again.  I just came back from the gym and had a protein shake!  All good things for my body!  I slept off the pain but I couldn't hide from my concerned parents.  For the past 2 weeks I was the occasional resident on the 3rd floor.  Nurses, doctors, and phlebotomists knew me!  I had pizza parties in my room!  I could not eat anything, I just asked to smell the food.  Talk about self-control...or self-torture.  It's all good to me!  No pain no gain...ha ha ha. 

One breath, another wish!
 With age comes wisdom.  With experience comes discernment.  With God all things are possible.
There were dark moments, literally.  I was alone in the room(s), taking CT scans, X-Rays, getting poked, laying on exam tables, going to sleep.  Even when I was surrounded by loved ones, no one knew my pain- physically, mentally, and emotionally.  I can't even think about what it was doing to my parents.  God was the constant through it all,  He is the only one whose promises did not fail.  I found myself praying this verse:
     Man can only do so much.  God can do it all.  The creator of life knows my inner most being.  That's what I held onto then, it is what I hold onto now.  There is no cure for what I have.  I can watch what I eat, I can be a fitness guru, I can do everything to de-stress, I can lay in a hammock all my life and these adhesions (scar tissue) can pinch a bowel at anytime.  If it happens, it happens.  My trust does not lie in the universe and it's forces, it stands on the One who created the universe and who can change it's forces.  He controls everything and works everything for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.  (Romans 8:28)

     There is now a joke about my situation, when it happens..."It's sh**ty."  If you hang out with me long enough you'll be able to come up with your own puns!  You might be thinking, "Why would she make fun of herself?"  Why not?!  Here's a secret: It's okay to laugh, especially if you can about yourself.  I'm in the midst of teaching myself to do that. 
     Hope in the things unseen. (Hebrews 11:1)Someone helped me realize there is no reason to rush anything.  This world is full of pressures, and with that burdens arise.  She helped me see that I have so many blessings and choices at my door.  But instead of using it as a tool to focus in on a passion of mine, I allowed it to stress me out.  It still does at times, but I am slowly circling in on a vision I have in my heart and mind.  I do not need to know everything or have my ducks in a row.  I am not immune.  We are not immune.  
     For the longest time I thought, "If I could only do this, accomplish this, experience that, save up to buy this, hold onto that...I will have a good life."  It is at that moment, God steps in and does something to shake us.  To shake me.  He rearranged my ducks.  He took my shoulders and turned me, allowing me to see a different view.  The view of Him.  I forgot that my life is to serve Him, not merely just being a "good person" and using Him as a safety net, but by consciously living life to help others' shoulders turn.

     If you are still reading, thank you!  This is the first time I've been so open about what has shaped me for the past 15 years.  My hope and wish is to be mouthpiece used by God to help anyone going through the same thing I've experienced.  And hopefully learn from those who have endured more than me.  I just want to reach the world.  A simple girl, who wants to do big things.

  Love you guys, 
Jeanine Faith

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Random Snacking

Hey all!  I have been in a snacking mood lately and my taste buds are craving something different.
I am not satisfied with the good ole handful of almonds or ants on a log (celery sticks topped with peanut butter and raisins).  Although those are great snacks, healthy nonetheless, I wanted the kind that is a bit out of the ordinary.  Now, you are probably thinking, "Jeanine, what are you talking about?  A snack is a snack.  Just eat something so it holds you over until the next meal!"  It's just not that simple ha ha ha.

How did I solve this problem?  I looked to the fridge!  (Who doesn't, right?!)  I saw a block of Colby Jack cheese, some strawberries, and cherry tomatoes.  I looked to these items because I did not want anything high in carbs, sugar, or processed.  Hmmmm what was I to do?  I said something needs to tie these random flavors together!  Then I remembered what those schmancy restaurants do, they drizzle something over the plate!  But what?  Sweet, salty, sour?  I am not a chef!  Pintrest  here I come!

Looked in the pantry and found balsamic vinegar.  Oh my goodness.  I had an aha moment!  I would do a balsamic glaze drizzle that over my randomly picked plate! With my sauce pan and computer in hand I learned how to reduce balsamic vinegar to a tasty syrup.  Not your ordinary snack, right?  But it was so easy....I....kind of had it again for breakfast today.

It's only me using the glaze so I reduced a half cup in a sauce pan on medium heat.  I added two small packets of sugar (Yes, those packets on restaurant tables...we buy that in bulk...helps with portion control ha ha ha).  I actually used it to cut the acidity of the vinegar and make it more syrup-y.  It WAS my first time making it, so made sure it had what it needed to a glaze!  Let it simmer and stir occasionally, it does not take long, so do not take your eye off it.  Your house will smell sour and if there is anyone home, they will prrrrobably make a face and say, "What is that???"  I only say it because I experienced it!  Smell a little, yes.  Taste a lot good, mmmmmhmmm.  

Store it in a glass container and it keeps well in the fridge.  To soften again,  place the bowl in hot water. 

I am so glad I have a new snack to turn to.  Puts the interesting back into my everyday blah.  Enjoy! 

Happy snacking,


Monday, March 16, 2015

Coconut Coffee Scrub

If you have not noticed, I like to enjoy my mornings as much as possible.  Getting my day started right is important to me. (Or feeling relaxed before bed).  Getting it right includes the fresh smell of coffee, followed by a shower.  So, what did I do to make those work in sync with each other?  Make a coffee scrub!  

Since it's warming up around here I thought it was time to get my skin summer ready.  
Family from the Philippines gave us a box full of virgin coconut oil to bring back to the states,  and I...obvisously...had coffee grounds, so I did not have to go out and buy anything.
I melted the oil and mixed about 10-12 tablespoons of grounds in a bowl.

The first time I made this scrub was a few years ago, when Pintrest and Instagram was not yet the norm.  I learned about it through reading an article in Real Simple magazine, a long time ago.  Does anyone still flip through actual pages rather than scrolling down a screen?  (Those were the days...ha ha ha).   

I put it in a glass container and set it in the freezer.  You do not have to put in the freezer, I just wanted to solidify mine.  I was reminded of science class and density when I opened the lid.  It actually worked out because I am able to break it into pieces and rub it onto my body without the majority falling to the tub floor.  (Think of a bar of soap.)  

I love using it on my stretch marks and surgery scars, it's seems to lighten them!  I love how my skin feels and it smells DEEEEVINNE haha!  No need for after shower lotion either!  

Happy scrubbing!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Morning Juice, Last night's fun, and Full Hearts

It is always a good morning when you have something to look forward to!  Well, no let me rephrase that.  Everyday we wake up is a good morning.  This particular morning I woke up with green juice on my mind!  Seriously.  I know it sounds so silly but last night my family and I had Movie Night.  We watched Big Hero 6.  If you have not seen it yet, watch it.  I give it two thumbs up!  (I know I am months behind…I have a list of movies to watch ha ha ha.)

While we waited for my other cousin to get there, I got super super hungry.  Like, blood sugar so low this girl is going to faint do not mess with someone who is craving something and can't it get sooner because if she doesn't she'll probably order an excess amount and then want to buy the largest frappacino out there, hungry.  Before I knew it we rounded up our dollars to see how many Burger King tacos we could buy.  I apologized in advance to the person taking our order because we had them make 12 tacos at the Drive-Thru.  Thank God there wasn't anybody behind us.  No, this post is not about how good the tacos were and how I'll be going back and forth between Jack and the Box and Burger King…because…this is a Health Blog!  But remember, cheat days, treat days, or whatever you want to call them are okay to have!  It makes life fuller!  No pun intended.  

Needless to say, my family and I had a great time with s'mores and home videos to top it all off.  If you get the chance to dust off old VHS tapes and find the bulky camcorder, take time to watch home videos.  It's the best retreat for the busy mind.  I believe that is part of why I woke up with a better mind set today.  

So let's move onto the thing that made me excited to get out bed.  The juice that is the color of Hulk and after drinking it, will feel like the Hulk!  
I cannot take credit for this recipe, it's from The 3 Day Cleanse book.

I tailored the ingredients to how I feel and what is in the fridge at the time.  Here are the fruits and veggies in my juice this morning:
2 apples
2 small cucumbers
5 celery sticks
1/2 lime (peeled)
2 handfuls of kale
2 handfuls of spinach

This made roughly 24 ounces of yummy juice goodness.  

The juicer I use is from Bella.  

I am also trying to get over this cold, it's on its last leg and want it out!  Kale and spinach- these dark leafy greens are high in Vitamin A, C, and E.  They help fight against cancer cells forming, antioxidant and are anti-inflamatory.  Celery, lime, apples and cucumbers are rich in vitamins and have high water contents to help against bloating.  The more water you take in, the more your body is able to release toxins through your urine.  Its saying, "Okay, I know your doing your part in giving me the right fuel to work as it should, so I will do my part in functioning the way it's suppose to, getting rid of what doesn't belong to you."

I had so much energy typing this post for you, and all credit is given to the juice!  I'm looking forward to making another before my workout this afternoon!  It's pretty gloomy where I live right now but I feel like the sun is shining within me!  (It's the juice making me say this…hahaha.)  Doing something good for yourself at the start of your day, knowing your body and mind will thank you for it HAS to be great motivation to live a healthy life!  I feel like I should be a Power Ranger with my fist in the air.  Okay maybe not, but I hope you can feel the energy in reading this.  

Green Power and Sunshine,

Friday, February 20, 2015

Reason For the Name

So, its been a few weeks since I started the new blog.  I don't know if any of you (if there is anyone out there reading this) thought about why I decided to name my blog "Cut The Shed".  It's a simple story and hopefully you can get a gist of who I am and where I am coming from.

As I mentioned before, I moved back from Las Vegas, NV (Henderson, really) and miss the Hot Yoga and Pilates studios there.  There is nothing like that in the Antelope Valley---that I think are worth while.  It comes in waves, but I am thinking of getting a Groupon for a studio in the Valley (the Valley being another city 30 minutes away).  That is how much I miss it. I miss the sweating, opening of the pores, and loosening of my muscles in each session!!!  I just miss it, okay!  =)

Anyway, back to the reason for the chosen title.  I promise, I am getting to it.  Since my time back, I thought of ways as to how I can recreate a Hot Studio for myself.  I thought about turning on my shower and letting the steam fill my bathroom and doing a sequence there before a shower, or leaving the garage door closed while working out, or just saying "whatever" and doing it in the hall of my house, hoping for the same results.  Then I remembered a childhood memory, that shed my dad and uncle built  in our back yard to house the lawn mower, edger and pieces of wood for the dog kennel!  I remembered how it was just enough room for one person and how much I wanted to make it my own little living space one day.  ONE DAY ha ha ha.  For those of you that do not know me, I have a love for interior design and small spaces too, so excuse my inside jokes!  I found myself at the Lowe's website canvassing the price of a tool shed and heater/humidifier.  Uhhh yea, a girl can dream right.  I thought about how it would be summer soon and a heater was optional so I could do with out it.

I thought about building the shed (with my buff brothers' help of course) and doing my own hot Pilates/Yoga in there!  Tell me that is not a great idea?  Given the fact that it would take a while before the shed was built, I decided it was just a good "idea".  And there it went, on my LIST.
***I am opening it up to whoever wants to partner with me on the shed idea, please contact me. would love to talk to you!!!***
I talked to my bestie about it and she liked the idea, BUT…with a big BUTT…said, "That is a great idea Jeanine, but let's CUT THE SHED and start with Instagram first."  I said, "Did you just cuss at me?"  She laughed so hard and said, "I know it sounded like that, but seriously, Cut The Shed."  Think big, start logically.  So that is how it started.  I cut the sh** about getting healthy, blogging again, and putting myself out there.  There is nothing to lose…but fat and inhibitions.  =). 

We are both introverts, my bestie and I, but I think I am more so than her.  Thank you friend, for helping me get out of my comfort zone, once again.  

So there you have it.  The reason behind the name.  CUT THE SH**.  Cut it out! 
- What ifs'…
- If only…
- When I…
- (add your own)

If I keep going back to my WHAT IF'S, I would not be able to move forward and take on whatever else life puts in my place.  I know this is not the end to my journey, heck I'm in my 20's and I'm going to make the most it it!!!  It's crazy and I honestly do not know where God is taking me, but I'm going where you lead, Lord.  I am stepping into the unknown like every other day I wake up…the difference is, God has gift us with a present…a new day!  A new page to start over!  It us up to us to do the leg work.  (And if today is leg day….awwww mannnn hah ha ha!)  

Everyone, have a great day and know that you are not alone in your journey called life.  

Jeanine Faith

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Good Morning- Coffee and Stretching

Good morning!…..Or whatever time you are reading this!  I am not sure about you, but I go to bed at night, just so I can wake up to make coffee.  It may sound silly, but I am serious.  Do not mess with a girl and her morning coffee.  =).  Another thing I like to do in the morning is stretch.  I like to hear the snap crackles and pops from being curled up at night.  I take a moment to check emails on the phone, see what the verse of the day is, and check Instagram.  Then begins the "ahhhh, uhhhgg, owww" sounds.  

The stretching done in my room is different from what I do in the kitchen.  Just think, junior high/high school gym class stretches.  Remember asking your friend, "Hey, are you dressing out?"  Point to the next friend, "Are YOU dressing out?"  because let's be honest, we never wanted to be the ONLY one not doing what were suppose to.  Oh to be a teenager.  

So now that I am all stretched out, I head down stairs to start the more exciting part of my morning!!!  Deciding if I want drip or french.  =)  #firstworldproblems.  Here are pictures of what I do.

Plank: Make a straight from your spine to your heels.  Imagine pushing the floor away from you.  Tuck your tailbone in and pull your belly button towards your spine.  

Upward Dog: Sink your hips to the floor, look up and do your best to pull the shoulders away from the ears.  Do this by pushing the floor away from you.  

Downward Dog:  Lift your hips up.  Imagine a string pulling your tailbone towards the ceiling.  Try not to bend your arms.  Stay strong and aim your armpits to the floor.  

Lift your leg up high and long.  Keep your spine long and pulling your armpits to the floor.  Put your strength into the pointer finger and palms in order to stay strong.  

Runner's Stance: Pull your lifted leg between your hands and use your hand to balance.  Keep the back leg strong, the heel pulling back and knee up.  Be sure to keep your front leg at 90 degrees- knee over ankle.  

Warrior 1: Lift arms over head, biceps next to ears.  Shoulders down and hands reading to the ceiling.  

Place hands down and glue your left shoulder to the left knee and raise right arm to ceiling.  

Switch arms

Hamstring Stretch: Straighten the front leg and bring the back leg in closer.  Bend at your hips and touch your forehead to your shin.  Repeat the sequence starting from plank.  What you do to one side you must do to the other.  

Feet together with a flat back rise all the way up.

Half Moon or Side Stretch: Clasp your hands and release your index fingers, keep the biceps next your ears, elbows straight.  Inhale and bend to the right.

…and to the right.  Breathe….in and out….(I will not think of the hamburger, I will not think of the hamburger.)

Clasp your hands behind you, press your palms together and pull your shoulders down.  Remember to hold your belly button in!

Lastly, bend at the hips and slowly bring hands above your head.  Move slow….
To release from this position: Lift up your head, release your hands and come up to standing.

Ahhhhh…feeels so much better and just in time for coffee.  I love mornings.  It's the beginning of something new.  We get this gift everyday, the opportunity to do things differently from yesterday---change what we need, keep what we like, and accomplish more.  

Be sure to breathe through your stretches.  May sound crazy, but holding your breath is so easy to do when something hurts or we are in uncomfortable positions.  I guess that can apply to life situations as well.  Know that it won't last forever and whatever we go through will only make us stronger.

Kale and coffee!
Jeanine Faith