Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Nike Is RIght

"JUST DO IT" Thank you Nike for the constant inspiration.  I spent way too much time thinking about the title of this post, and I just said, "Just do it".  That saying is so true.  As humans the decisions we make shape our lives, everything to brushing your teeth in the morning (or not.......ew gross), to signing the lease on a new apartment.  Our lives are made up of decisions!  

I have decided to take on the goal of waking up earlier and sleeping earlier.
What that means to me: in bed by 10:30p.m. and out of bed by 6a.m.  Yes, it's better to get that thing done before you hit the sack, or stay 2 more minutes under the blanket.  We only get 24 hours a day, do the best you can with it.
What will you do with it?  What is important to you to get accomplished?  

For me, it's getting my head (mind), exercise (body), heart (soul/spirit) in check. That means getting up when the sun comes up, listing down my top 3 goals of the day, getting my booty to the gym or pressing play, and making sure to pray/meditate on the verse of the day.  

Small steps everyday.  You will get to where you need to be, in the time you need to be there.  I love this hashtag, #trusttheprocess.  Commit to those small positive changes in your life, and see where it will take you.  You CAN do it.  The dream, passion, yearning was not put in your heart to float around.  It is there so it can touch lives.  You have the ability to great things.  Don't stop moving forward---JUST DO IT.  
I would love to know what some of your goals are! 
Doing life together,


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