Thursday, August 6, 2015

How Did You Get Your Teeth to Be So White?

Crazy name right?  What the heck is that?  Well that's what I said when I first heard it.  Then found out it was an all natural way to:
 - heal gums
- whiten teeth
- reduce bad breath
- Pull toxins out of the body through the gums
- help your metabolism
-help with tartar control
- increase oral health

 An added bonus was it was with my favorite oil, coconut!  I use to think it would clog pores, smell funny, put greasy finger and leg prints everywhere and just be weird dipping my hand in a jar usually found in the kitchen!  Now, I take sips from it...swishing it around my mouth!  Crazy I know!

I'm a fan of all things natural, it's benefits and uses.  I believe God created the Earth to have everything we ever needed to survive and live fully.  Coconut oil, you are one of my favorites.  
I first saw oil pulling on Pintrest and then saw one of my cousins doing it!  Months later I found myself doing it because I had some pain in my gums and was tired of using a peroxide gel to whiten my teeth.  

The first time, I lasted about 10 minutes, then 10 again, then doubled it to 20 minutes in a few days.  I found ways to take my mind off it like: 
-make my bed
- put laundry in the machine
- make the morning coffee
- prepare breakfast
- check Facebook
- plan for the day
Do not underestimate the power of 20 minutes! 

A few things to know first:
*Must be done first thing in the morning.*
Ever see notice that white film on your tongue and why you have bad breath in the morning?  That's your body detoxifying itself while you sleep at night.  It needs to come out and that's one way for it to be released, another is from your morning pee (ha ha ha).   
You want to get rid of the most toxins, so why not before you begin your day!  I keep the jar in my bathroom so after I use...the restroom...I take a swig and start swooshing!

How to oil pull:
 1. Swish a tablespoon or less in your mouth for 5-20 minutes.  
Do not gargle...or swallow!  Don't want to have any of those toxins to find it's way back into the body.
2. Spit into the trash. Oil will clog drains.
3. Rinse with water 
4. Brush and floss regularly

Jeanine Faith

**Thanks to Hello Natural**



  1. Yep, so doing this. I did it for a day. Maybe two. And didn't keep up. :'P So, I love seeing that it worked for you, even while drinking coffee!! Bonus tip I learned recently...buying organic coconut oil isn't even necessary. Coconuts are rarely sprayed with pesticides and other junk. :) So that will make my coconut oil buying muuuch cheaper!

    1. I love your tips! I did not know that! Thank you! It is pretty expensive, so saving a couple bucks is great! Yes, coffee is my frienemy haha. That's why I love this solution so much! Thank you Jasanna..xoxox!
