Saturday, February 28, 2015

Morning Juice, Last night's fun, and Full Hearts

It is always a good morning when you have something to look forward to!  Well, no let me rephrase that.  Everyday we wake up is a good morning.  This particular morning I woke up with green juice on my mind!  Seriously.  I know it sounds so silly but last night my family and I had Movie Night.  We watched Big Hero 6.  If you have not seen it yet, watch it.  I give it two thumbs up!  (I know I am months behind…I have a list of movies to watch ha ha ha.)

While we waited for my other cousin to get there, I got super super hungry.  Like, blood sugar so low this girl is going to faint do not mess with someone who is craving something and can't it get sooner because if she doesn't she'll probably order an excess amount and then want to buy the largest frappacino out there, hungry.  Before I knew it we rounded up our dollars to see how many Burger King tacos we could buy.  I apologized in advance to the person taking our order because we had them make 12 tacos at the Drive-Thru.  Thank God there wasn't anybody behind us.  No, this post is not about how good the tacos were and how I'll be going back and forth between Jack and the Box and Burger King…because…this is a Health Blog!  But remember, cheat days, treat days, or whatever you want to call them are okay to have!  It makes life fuller!  No pun intended.  

Needless to say, my family and I had a great time with s'mores and home videos to top it all off.  If you get the chance to dust off old VHS tapes and find the bulky camcorder, take time to watch home videos.  It's the best retreat for the busy mind.  I believe that is part of why I woke up with a better mind set today.  

So let's move onto the thing that made me excited to get out bed.  The juice that is the color of Hulk and after drinking it, will feel like the Hulk!  
I cannot take credit for this recipe, it's from The 3 Day Cleanse book.

I tailored the ingredients to how I feel and what is in the fridge at the time.  Here are the fruits and veggies in my juice this morning:
2 apples
2 small cucumbers
5 celery sticks
1/2 lime (peeled)
2 handfuls of kale
2 handfuls of spinach

This made roughly 24 ounces of yummy juice goodness.  

The juicer I use is from Bella.  

I am also trying to get over this cold, it's on its last leg and want it out!  Kale and spinach- these dark leafy greens are high in Vitamin A, C, and E.  They help fight against cancer cells forming, antioxidant and are anti-inflamatory.  Celery, lime, apples and cucumbers are rich in vitamins and have high water contents to help against bloating.  The more water you take in, the more your body is able to release toxins through your urine.  Its saying, "Okay, I know your doing your part in giving me the right fuel to work as it should, so I will do my part in functioning the way it's suppose to, getting rid of what doesn't belong to you."

I had so much energy typing this post for you, and all credit is given to the juice!  I'm looking forward to making another before my workout this afternoon!  It's pretty gloomy where I live right now but I feel like the sun is shining within me!  (It's the juice making me say this…hahaha.)  Doing something good for yourself at the start of your day, knowing your body and mind will thank you for it HAS to be great motivation to live a healthy life!  I feel like I should be a Power Ranger with my fist in the air.  Okay maybe not, but I hope you can feel the energy in reading this.  

Green Power and Sunshine,

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