Sunday, September 27, 2015

Bridging Your Longings With Your Reality

When is it our turn?  When will it happen to me?   Will my dreams ever come true?  How will I ever get to that point, checking that off my list?

These questions bounce around in my head when I scroll through social media, talk to strangers, or  just watch TV.  
I see people jumping into clear lagoons, others getting to wake up in a different city every few days, and others visiting hospitalized children in third world countries. 

Yes, I'll be honest.  All those things listed are my dreams and each have their own category.  

Jumping into clear waters of a lagoon? 
-That's the dream of unrestricted vacations!

Waking up in a different city every few days?  
-That's the dream of being a jet setter!

Visiting children in third world countries?  
-That's the dream of doing charitable work across seas!  

Does that sound far fetched?  I'd say yes most of the time.  But then I remember how great God is and believe He placed those dreams in my heart for a reason!  I do not want to (continue) finding myself scrolling through saying, "Man what if...wouldn't it be cool if...Why can't I?"  
I don't think we will ever stop wanting more, better, and what we can't have...well maybe not at the moment.  

~We all have dreams, goals, ambitions, ideas...
We also have our realities...~

None of us have all our stuff together!  Ever heard the saying, "If its not one thing it's another."?  We all dream about that day.  That is our longings.  We have those things that need to get done or else.  That is our reality.

God is so good.  
I really wanted to find a good fiction book to occupy my mind for the plane ride home, yet nothing caught my eye.  I decided to take one last look around and found Longing For Paris by Sara Hagerty.  Judged a book by its cover and started reading.  I love Europe and that's why I picked it up.  Come to find out it was nothing about Paris, except for it being the author's dream to go there.
Her dream was just that, something she thought needed to be experienced through flight, wearing a beret, and sitting at an outdoor cafe eating a flaky croissant no American bakery can replicate. 
Her reality was she was a wife, mom, and writer.  Deadlines waited for her, young kiddos tugged at her, laundry was never done.
When...would...her dreams....come true???  

Her, yours and my dreams will come true.  It all depends in which manner.  I didn't intend to find a "self-help/personal development" book but I think God wanted me to.  He knows exactly what we need when we needed it.  I'm sure the plans we have for ourselves are wonderful with good intentions.  What more are the plans and destinations God has for us, the one who placed those longings and desires in our hearts!  He loves us so much.

Matthew 6:26 part of the verse behind the tattoo...:    

So while some of us are living our dreams, on our way to accomplishing another dream, or wondering how to start making those dreams a reality...Let's figure out how to bring parts of those dreams INTO our reality.  

Personal example: 
Dream: For my house/ have a brick wall.  
Just one.  It's the interior designer in me.  
Reality: Track home with no vintage brick.  (Grateful nonetheless!!!) 
Bridge between them: I painted my own brick wall for my room. 

I believe as we try to incorporate more of our dreams into our realities, we dig deeper into why we long for certain things, thus learning more about the heart of God, the One who gave us the ability to
 desire and live fully.  

Doing life with you,

Monday, September 21, 2015

Easy Breakfast or Snack, on Toast

This is my new favorite breakfast creation!  Before I tell you what this goodness is made of, let me just say I found an Everyday Rachael Ray magazine with a picture of my toast breakfast on the cover!!  Another reason why I love Rachael Ray....been a fan since she started on 30 Minute Meals and $40-a-Day.  But I digress.

 This recipe is similar to the "My Version of Breakfast Cereal" post on Instagram.  
 Shameless plug: if you don't follow me yet, you should now ha ha ha 

I've been on the high protein kick and thought it fueled my mornings well.  It still does, but I 've also been craving carbs and crunch.  So hi-ho-hi-ho I went to Trader Joes!  I found their Chia Seed, Millet, and Flaxseed Bread and I lovvvvve it!  Seriously it toasts really well and stays crunchy with all the toppings I put!  No stale bread syndrome nor soggy sag in the middle toast here!  
I'm a a roll here...hahahaha.  


What's on the plate:
- Trader Joe's toast
- 1/2 smashed avocado
- sprinkle of garlic and sea salt
- 1 boiled egg, cook a batch for the week to save time
- halved cherry tomatoes
- crumbled Gorgonzola, Feta is another option

Eat one to two slices of these babies and you'll have a fueled morning of good carbs, protein, and fats.  I felt the difference all the way to lunch, I had a steady stream of energy and wasn't craving random things to munch on.  I still can't believe I found a bread good enough to blog about as well as excited to have every.......other morning =).  Variety folks...variety. 

Happy eating!  
More recipes to come,

Saturday, September 12, 2015

My 7 Morning Essential Acts

 I used to dread mornings.  Maybe because it was always rushed and I never did the typical morning rituals.  When I say typical it means going outside with my robe on and picking up the morning paper, basking in the sun, waving to that neighbor backing out of his driveway, while holding that steaming cup of coffee.  I'm half kidding about that one ha ha.  Or maybe the other typical routine of turning on the morning News, while making instant oatmeal and packing my bag for the day. 

Okay, I realize these are very generalized routines or maybe some of your routines!  Good for you!  ::Fist bump::

I love my mornings (now) and appreciate the quietness it brings.  Sometimes its not all that quiet and there's craziness all around. And sometimes its the noise inside my head that needs to be hushed.   
 Here is what  I do to keep my mornings:

Commit the day to the Lord in prayer.  

Open my window and let the sleep out.

Oil Pull

Make my bed.

Drink water (I keep a bottle right next to my bed).

Drink warm lemon water while the coffee is brewing.

Turn on Pandora (Hillsong Young and Free /Jonathan Thulin)

These are my essential acts in the morning to get my day started on the right, or should I say, correct foot! I know we all have our rituals and quirks, its fun to share and learn about other people's.  Tell me some of yours!


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Embrace Your Face

"You have a crooked face!"  It was me who told myself that.  In this #selfie world it's more difficult NOT to see what else is wrong with us.

Yet...this rings true... 

 >>>"You learn to embrace your imperfections."  Yes, that's what I heard women say while growing up.  I have had a great set of women (and men) who have influenced me.  God is so good.  He continues to answer my prayers, bringing the kinds of people I need in my life at the right moment.  Sometimes, He even brings them when I least expect it, and its a greater blessing!

Back to the quote.  I never understood what it meant.  How do you embrace what you have when all you want is what the other person has?  I've always wanted to be taller.  I'm never going to be permanently taller!  Unless I get surgery to lengthen my limbs.  I wanted lighter skin, won't happen!  I love being outdoors too much and skin bleaching looks like it would hurt.  What I'm trying to say is, I'm now learning to embrace what I have and how I have it.  

 Don't confuse me with not striving to be more healthy, strong, and fit.  I think everyone should strive for that.  The byproduct of it is confidence!  You learn you're more capable of what you give yourself credit for!  You experience strength you thought couldn't come out of you.  When you think can't, look a few feet ahead and press on!  I say these things because I've experienced it and want you to know you can have the same, and even greater!   

 For whom ever is reading this, I don't know what you're going through or where you have been.  I talk about outward appearance in this post, but my goal is to touch your heart.  To tell you, you have so much to offer this world.  You are worth more than silver or gold, more precious than diamonds.  There is beauty in perfection, but there's greater beauty in things flawed made into something unique.  You are that, unique.  You have a story no one else can tell and are loved more than you know.  
(By the way, diamonds are flawed too.  Its the artist who cuts and shapes it into something beautiful and unique.)

Feel the love, 